
About Tiffany Blair

Tiffany spends her daily life as a mother and wife, while running her business as a fitness professional and nutrition specialist. Though her true love is poetry, she has written some articles and has shared her life journey in her memoir, Superbia the Warrior Queen.

After being diagnosed with PTSD at just 20, Tiffany uses her knowledge in

health and fitness, as well as experience from her journey to mental healing, to advocate for others who are searching for their own peace.

Follow her blog for updates on events and news for Superbia the Warrior Queen or just for another person’s perspective on parenting, fitness, and general life.

News: Superbia the Warrior Queen

Author Reading of ‘Superbia the Warrior Queen’ and Free eBook Promotion

My little book of monsters has hit the #AmazonBestSeller list for #NewAgeMentalandSpiritualHealing!  To say I am proud and excited is an understatement, but even more so I am grateful for all of the support and love I have received in this journey.  Thank you to anyone who has gotten their purchased or free copy of ‘Superbia the Warrior Queen’,…

Recent Diary Entries

Luck Has Nothing To Do With It [Postpartum]

I was cleared to resume my workouts a little under two weeks ago, provided I listen to my body and ease back gently, and though my strength is FAARRRR from where I was before pregnancy, it feels so great to be getting back into my routine. 💪❤😁 It has been 8 weeks since we welcomed…

Writer Whispers: Milestones of July 2020

Writer Whispers is a feature posted every other Wednesday to share my experiences in my book-writing journey, from lessons learned, mistakes made, and wins achieved. The month of July has been a month full of exciting milestones for my writing. Just as much as these milestones have been a goal destination, they will probably also…